
The users page in the administration section allows you to manage the users that have access to the system. Tasxs relies on Active Directory authentication for authenticating users.

Add a User

In the user list, click "Add"

Specify the username of the user to add, including the domain-name if it concerns a domain user.


Click "Create" to add the user.

You are now taken to the edit user page. See the "Edit a User" section for details on this page.

User Details

When you click on a user in the user list, you are taken to the user details page. Here, you see the following information related to a user:

  • Name, UserId, Email: This information is retrieved from active directory.
  • Roles: the list of roles assigned to a user. The user's roles determine the permissions the user has.

Edit a User

In the user details page, click Edit to edit the user details. Now you can change his details and change his role-assignment.