Home Directory

Tasxs uses a home directory to store various files. The location of the home directory can be configured in a number of ways. This are the steps taken at application start to locate the directory. The first directory found is used.

  1. Look for an application setting named "Tasxs.Home". This setting can be specified in the Web.config file of the application.
  2. Look for an enviromnent variable named TASXS_HOME.
  3. Do a hierarchical search for a directory, or a subdirectory named data, that contains a file named tasxs.config, staring at the application directory. The first directory that contains the said file is used as home directory.
    For example, if the application is installed in C:\apps\segrey\tasks\tasxs-1.2.4, the following directories will be checked for a file named tasxs.config:
    • C:\apps\segrey\tasks\tasxs-1.2.4
    • C:\apps\segrey\tasks\tasxs-1.2.4\data
    • C:\apps\segrey\tasks
    • C:\apps\segrey\tasks\data
    • C:\apps\segrey
    • C:\apps\segrey\data
    • C:\apps
    • C:\apps\data
    • C:\
    • C:\data
  4. Use the directory App_Data in the application directory.