
When you open Tasxs, you are presented with the dashboard. The dashboard gives you a quick view on the current activity in Tasxs that concerns you. The navbar at the top of the page has links to the most important pages of the application:


Creating your first Job

Tasxs is a tool for running jobs, so the first thing to do after installing a new Tasxs instance is creating a job.

Click on the Jobs link in the navbar. You are taken to the jobs list.


Click on the "New Job" button 


Provide a name for the job.

The "Configuration" dropdown allows you to select a job to inherit. You can think of this job as a template for the job you are about to create. See Job Inheritance for more details on this.

For this first example, you can keep CommandJob, which is selected by default.

The third drop-down allows you to select the repository and group a given job will be part of. In a new system, only "Default" is available. The Administrator can create additional repositories and groups.

Click "Create" to create the job.


You are now taken to the Job Edit page.

Click on the "Parameters" tab


In the Command field, enter the value

cmd /c echo "Hello World"

Click on the "General" Tab

Check the "enabled" checkbox. When this box is unchecked, it is not possible to execute a job.

Click "Save"

You have successfully created a new job. Let's try to run it. Click the "Start" button.



This concludes our "Hello World" example. Please proceed read through the rest of the manual and play around to discover the features of Tasxs.